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Effect Bifelda-Brown.

Thomas Townsend Brown - a gifted American physicist and inventor.
Open them to the effect (the exact name: the effect Bifelda-Brown) is that the electric capacitor capable of move toward the positive pole and keep this movement has not yet exhausted. This movement does not contradict law of physics, for every action causes a similar reaction. Yes, the strength of opposition there, but, in the case gravity, it is not expressed explicitly.
Using this technology, Brown built a disk-shaped unit 24 feet in diameter, which presumably reached a speed of 17 ft / s neposredstvnno in the laboratory. The discs were simply a variation of the two capacitor plates, the charged fixed voltage 50kV. Once fully charged, the disks start to move along a circular path. In order to maintain their flight required energy of 50 W, which corresponds to the consumption of a small bulb end.
Brown also built the experimental discs with a diameter of 3 feet. When they were charged voltage of 50kV, the rate of movement was so impressive that the invention are interested in the military. Drives with soft humming published flight, and People around them were fixed lights. Many scientists and engineers have been seen flying discs Brown, but only a few sincerely believed that the basis of the movement is the inventor of an open effect.

Lack of professional and financial support for Brown forced to move to France. It was there, having tests in a vacuum, a physicist, said that the wheels began to fly with greater efficiency.
I must say ... Thomas Brown showed early interest in space flight, in a time when even the success of the Wright brothers were perceived with skepticism, it was considered pure fantasy. Youthful enthusiasm and radio electromagnetism later he rendered a valuable service by giving background information on these areas of science. In the process of "experimentation," Brown once got hold of the handset Coolidge (American physicist and chemist, invented the X-ray tube with hot cathode of thin tungsten coil), which then led to a surprising discovery. Brown is not interested in X-rays, as such. He wanted to determine not whether emanating from the Coolidge tube rays have beneficial effects.
In the end, once a scientist has strengthened Coolidge tube for sensitive rocker and began to test their device.
However, in whatever direction it may be turning the machine, I could not install any measurable effect of X-rays. But soon his attention was attracted by the strange behavior of the tube: whenever it is turned on, it produced a kind of forward motion, as if the machine was trying to move forward. American physicist took a lot of effort and time before he found the explanation of what is happening. Newly discovered phenomenon had nothing to do with X-rays: the effect of an open lay high voltage is used to form beams.

Brown held a series of experiments in order to establish the nature of new, open them to "force". The result was to construct the device, later called "gravitorom." The very form of the invention was a simple bakelite box, but worth it to put it on the scales and connected to a power source voltage of 100 kV, as the unit, depending on the polarity, added or lost by about one percent of its weight.
Brown was convinced that he has discovered a completely new electrical principle, but did not know how to use it in practice. Despite the fact that the work reported by several newspapers, one of the prominent scientists showed no interest in the invention. However, the This is understandable, the author at this time was just finishing high school. In 1922 he enrolled at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. But there his inventions no one has given.
Not surrendering positions, in 1923, Brown goes to college in Kenionsky Gambier, Ohio. Spends a year there, and then went to University in Granville Denisonovsky, in the same state where the physical office is studying electronics. His teacher was Dr. Paul Alfred Bifeld, professor of physics and astronomy, incidentally, is one of eight former classmates Einstein in Switzerland.
Unlike their colleagues in Pasadena Bifeld showed great interest in the discovery of Brown's, and both - the professor and the student - conducted numerous experiments with charged electrical capacitors. And over time, developed a physical principle, which became known later as the effect of Bifelda-Brown. The essence of this effect has been a tendency of a charged electric condenser to move toward its positive pole - the very same movement, which Brown was once found at the Coolidge tube.
At the end of four years of education Brown has worked at the observatory Sveyzi in Ohio, and in 1930 left her, and as a specialist in the field of physics and spectroscopy has successfully worked in the Laboratory of Naval Research in Washington. Despite the fact that in the 30 years he had to change occupation, Brown continued in his spare time to engage in physical research, in particular the effect of Bifelda-Brown. Over time, gravitor undergone numerous improvements.
Scientist died October 22, 1985. His lab dismantled, the majority of equipment sold. During the life of distinguished physicist has received numerous patents for various devices on the basis of electrokinetic effect Bifelda-Brown, but in the death of virtually all studies, unfortunately, been discontinued.

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