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Future investments and investments in projects.

Electric Vehicles of the future.

Project - ¹4 The information enclosed.

+ Electric car transformers.
+ Electric motorcycles.
+ Shoes-motorized skate.
+ Fly Rights.
+ Smart car.
+ Electric Bike.
+ Electric water transport.
+ Elektropodvodny transport.

The information enclosed.

Projects - + ¹ 4; ¹ 1; ¹ 2; ¹ 3

+ Flying fuel-free device.
+ The motor generator of energy.
+ Robotics.
+ Electric Vehicles of the future.

Project - ¹ 4 In these areas development will go in other areas.

+ Electric car transformers.
Folding car, "smartphone on wheels", truck-transformer, electric power. All of them - a small part of what established recently by engineers for a comfortable ride. Each of the cars - not just malogabariten, equipped with an electric motor, but has a special control system, which can safely be classified as highly intelligent.
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+ Electric motorcycles.
Single-wheel electric monocycle, motorcycle wheels with axle-free, original elektrobayk, elektromototsikl with unexpected design - and then, further, further ... The engineers of various companies compete like how to beat the competition and make the bike more compact, maneuverable, the inexpensive and safe. Two-wheeled means of touring the cities and villages, striking the imagination of not only drivers but also pedestrians.
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+ Shoes-motorized skate.
Shoes spnKiX with an electric motor on roller skates, elektroskeytbord, robotic skate, portable unitsikl. All of these funds designed for people who appreciate the time and are willing to walk the streets without the help of the car.
Pedestrians are willing to pay for the comfort and unusual device, simple to master the management skills, understanding that for this Mini-vehicles - the future. The future without traffic jams, accidents and environmental pollution.

The idea of a skateboard equipped with a motor more than once occurred to inventors and enthusiasts from different countries, but to put the idea of commercialization of the developers have decided from Australia. These guys came to the matter very seriously.
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+ Fly Rights.
In the air, except for passenger and military aircraft, is now possible to meet the new Aids - multikoptery, aeromototsikly in which for the "wheel" does not sit qualified pilots, and ordinary people. People wishing to travel over the roofs of buildings and homes, rather than on the paved road.
Of course, these inventions have not yet been put into mass production. But, you never know ... In a year, two, three. And one day, raising his eyes to heaven, you will find amazing taxis that carry passengers on the ground.
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+ Smart car.
For them - the future. Smart program designed for you to help each of us to make safe movement of both roads, and in the air.
Any change in the human body will become a "subject" of information and prevention, in addition, observing the gestures, the new control panel, auto driver will be able to anticipate reactions and direct its actions in critical situations.
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+ Electric Bike.
Robot-scooter, electric bikes single-wheel, rear-axle-free velosustroystvo wheel and belt drive, unitsikl...
Designers continue to reinvent ... Bike, more precisely, upgrade it, given all the conditions of modern life: Urban overcrowding, lack of parking spaces, lack of financial means to buy a car, "plug" on the roads.
We live in a hurry so that at the same time trying to find just a few points in space.
It seems that engineers fully meet the objectives of speeding planet: the services of drivers of all kinds of models of scooters, someone who will bring anywhere and anytime at exactly the appointed hour.
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+ Electric water transport.
A flying boat, solar-powered boat, motor boats, robots to patrol the bays, the robot for deep-sea dive. Water space master all the new inventions made of sustainable materials and using solar energy.
Practical application of the unusual transport is different - from family trips to the research.
The management of such floating facilities is simple, available all year round and requires no special training.
Now open the map and select the destination!
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+ Elektropodvodny transport.
Do not forget about the inventors and amateur divers. In the cutting-edge devices - Scooter AquaStar, special boats, submarines from Russia, the robot dolphin.
Excellent maneuverability, quite a high speed, safety, diving and so on. - Not the whole list of advantages of new vehicles. All of them - are easy to operate, the inexpensive and not very expensive.
So if someone really wants to enjoy the beauty of the underwater kingdom - order any of the submitted samples.
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