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Future investments and investments in projects.

+ AIDA - a robot for the drivers.

Investments in projects

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+ AIDA - emotionally intelligent robot drivers.

Researchers and designers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are working on his invention called the Affective Intelligent Driving Agent, intellectual or emotional driving agent of AIDA. He is none other than the personal robot inside the car, whose mission - to improve our way of interacting with your machine.
AIDA communicates with the driver via a small device that is built into the dashboard. "We are developing AIDA, - says one of the developers - to read the mood of the driver's expression on his face and other features, and then respond to socially relevant and informative way."
Sam the robot communicates with a person very directly: symbolic expression and blinking eyes. In order to identify the main objectives of the driver, AIDA analyzes samples of his movements, monitors general routes. In addition, the utility collects information outside the car, for example, environmental conditions or the location of nearby traffic jams.

+ Ruby - the world record for the assembly of "Rubik's Cube" of robots.

The robot, designed by a group of students from the University of Technology Suinburnskogo Australia, set a new record for speed solving the popular puzzle game 'Rubik's cube. "The unit coped with the task in just 10.69 seconds, including time spent studying the initial state of the dice.
Ruby scans each face shape via webcam, and then developing a procedure using the software software.
Presented is a new six-degree project students, and designed with the sole purpose - to optimize speed of solving the puzzle.

+ Aiko - Female Robot, an android with artificial intelligence.

Canadian amateur robotics Trung Le has developed a model-girl android with artificial intelligence, and named her Aiko. Android speaks, reads the text of the book with a font size not less than 12 pt, recognizes objects and colors, responding to Touch and external stimuli. The robot is also able to visually solve math examples. In case of rain, Aiko, between way, will bring you an umbrella, and if the sun shines brightly - summer hat.

+ Thinking the child-robot from Japan.

Back in 2007 a group of Japanese scientists from Osaka University began a research project on education of the child-robot, known as CB2.The kid is able to familiarize themselves with the outside world by continuing to collect and analyze information about various objects. And it is on the right makes it one of the most complex machines designed by Japanese robotics. In teaching the robot were used not only engineers but also experts from other areas, such as psychologists. Weight is 33 kg android, and his height - 130 cm This project is funded by a government agency Japan Science and Technology Agency.
Two years of hard work were not in vain: CB2 learned to walk, so far for this he needs help humans. A complex musculoskeletal system of the child-robot consists of fifty artificial "muscles" driven by the system pneumatic actuators. Miracle Technology can focus your eyes on the moving objects and recognize human touch, for example, stroking the head. This is due to two hundred ultrathin pressure sensors located under the skin.
Currently, scientists are trying to make another bold idea - to teach the android to think CB2. Eyes of a robot equipped with digital cameras, allowing him to explore the interviewees face. The collected information is stored in the memory, and then compared with the already existing there.
+ Robot toy with artificial intelligence.

As expected from the adult robots with artificial intelligence? Solving complex problems in the workplace, assistance in housekeeping, performance of work-related risk to life. And what they want children? Well, of course, toys!
Realizing this, the American company UGOBE Pleo the prehistoric developed with artificial intelligence. Dinosaur from the first days of his life (after first inserting the battery) is launching an independent study of the world. From someone who then be close, "formed" and his character: aggressive or good-natured, energetic or passive.
Pleo, among other things, on their own moves, makes sounds, avoid obstacles, recognize the danger to themselves and height moves back. The developers have laid a number of programs that make Pleo wants affection, asking for arms and food needs. work on the modernization of toys, of course, continues, in particular, new programs are written in the plan - to create an independent charging from the power source.
Functional features of the electronic dinosaur:
Each dinosaur has its own unique character;
robot system consists of 38 sensors and 14 motors;
Pleo can move independently, change the expression on his face, cough, sniff, sigh, eyes popping, and more.

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