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Future investments and investments in projects.

Flying fuel-free device.

Project - ¹1 The information enclosed.

+ Platform: VS Grebennikov
+ The free energy. Nikola Tesla.
+ Magnetism. Searl Effect.
+ Generator. Edward Lidskalninsh.
+ Effect Bifelda-Brown.
+ Hutchison Effect.
+ Acoustic levitation.
+ Wiman ancient India.

The information enclosed.

Projects - + ¹ 1; ¹ 2; ¹ 3; ¹ 4

+ Flying fuel-free device.
+ The motor generator of energy.
+ Robotics.
+ Electric Vehicles of the future.

Project - ¹ 1 In these areas development will go in other areas.

+ Platform: Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov.
Platform - an aircraft with amazing features. It is invisible to others, does not require traditional in our understanding of the engine, has no wings or propeller. Silent, elementary develops safe flying speed of 1500 km / h, which is not felt by the pilot. Inside the platform absolutely no inertial properties of the body moved, it has no thermal effect on the aircraft of the ambient air....
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+ The free energy. Nikola Tesla.
We all know that Nikola Tesla is the inventor of the AC transformer. But even scientists are not familiar with all the discoveries of genius single, ahead of his time for decades. Every day we turn on electrical appliances into the outlet, not even thinking about what and how the wires inside.
Tesla could use the same power, energy completely differently, say, unconventional, unusual for a conservative way of science.
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+ Magnetism. Searl Effect.
In 1946, Englishman John Searle made a fundamental discovery of the nature of magnetism. He found that adding a small component of alternating current (100 ma) radio frequency (10 MHz) during the manufacture of permanent ferrite magnets attached to them new and unexpected properties.
The first set of permanent magnets, made by the described procedure consisted of two samples, each the size of 100x10x10 mm, respectively, and the two rollers. A movie was made in the form of a cylinder (10 mm), and the second - of a few (5) ring outer diameter 20 mm. All these samples were magnetized at the same time in the manner described above.
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+ Levitation generator. Edward Lidskalninsh - levitating stones.
It is widely known story of the construction of Coral Castle in Florida - a complex of huge statues and megaliths weighing 1,100 tons, built by hand without the use of machines. Its author - Edward Lidskalnynsh, small and weak-looking man (152 cm, 45 kg), spent a 20 years of his life. Dragging from the Gulf Coast incredible size chunks of coral limestone, he hew blocks of them, even without using a jackhammer. All the tools were made by him of the remains of the car, thrown to the dustbin men.
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+ Effect Bifelda-Brown.
Thomas Townsend Brown - a gifted American physicist and inventor.
Open them to the effect (the exact name: the effect Bifelda-Brown) is that the electric capacitor capable of moving toward the positive pole and keep this movement is not discharged. This movement is not against the law of physics: for every action causes a similar reaction. Yes, the strength of opposition there, but, in the case of gravity, it is not expressed explicitly.
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+ Hutchison Effect.
Many people wonder what exactly is meant by "Hutchison effect". First of all, it is - a set of phenomena which were discovered accidentally in 1979 by the author in the study of longitudinal waves of Tesla. He is coming (the effect) due to the interference of the longitudinal waves in a certain region of space, created by high voltage sources, usually a generator van de Graaff, and two or more coils of Tesla.
Among the effects produced are: levitation of heavy objects, fusion of dissimilar materials (such as metal and wood); anomalous heating of metals without burning substances in their vicinity, spontaneous rupture of metal objects (which are cracked, raspolzayas in different directions).
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+ Acoustic levitation.
We know from the priests of the Far East, they were able to lift heavy boulders on the highest mountains, publishing ... special sounds. Knowledge about the impact of different vibrations in the audio range on subjects helped them to cancel the effect gravity.
Dr. Jarl in the 40s of last century, quite a long time he lived in Tibet, where he observed the unique phenomenon, Specifically, the movement of stone blocks in the air. And worked a similar miracle is not just anybody, but the monks...
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+ Wiman - Aircraft of Ancient India.
Flying machines, though existing in ancient times, are mentioned in the myths of many peoples. But the best known were the so-called vimana described in Indian epic "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana". They are said to have been moved not only within the Earth's atmosphere, but rushed into space and even on other planets. As far from reality, these legends have tried to find out the researcher of Indian antiquities, Robert Goodman. In 1990 he published an article in the magazine "Legendary Times" of the International Association of Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI problem.
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